Washinton DC Course Coming March 19th

Have you often thought about a rewarding career path in a design field but thought it would take to long or cost too much?Are you aware that you can become an expert in the fastest segment of Interior Design in just 1 week of intensive training and get your own business up and running in just 1 month?

On March 19th The Academy of Home Staging is providing a class in Washington DC. Not only will you be able to see the White House right across the way from where you will trained but DC’s Annual Cherry Blossom event is happening the same week. For more information on the festival click here.

Just 2 weeks from today you could be Designing Interiors for a living….

 Home Staging is the # 1, up and coming career according to CNN and Career Builder. Home Stagers design interiors of homes that are for sale so that the home will sell quickly and for top dollar.

 Currently, investors are scooping up foreclosed properties, updating and staging them so they can earn more profits and faster. This is an amazing time to build a lucrative Home Staging business quickly while servicing repeat clients who are doing several houses a month.

In the 42.5 hour, hands-on location training you receive with The Academy’s Advanced Home Stager Certification program, you will learn everything from:

– how to get your business up and running in just 30 days
– how to reach dozens of clients in just 5 minutes
– how to price and market your services
– how to build your business for very little money
– hands-on space planning, color theory, picking paint colors, style boards and accessorizing exercises
– out in the field on 3 staging exercises
– take home contracts, customizable advertising pieces and project worksheets
– after class coaching included

Upcoming dates and locations are:

Washington DC area – March 19 – 23 

Los Angeles area – March 19 – 23

Tampa area – April 23 – 27  

Call to get started before the busy summer season – 818.726.6429

When I first thought about becoming a Home Stager, I wondered if I could really make it? Well, I am here to tell you, that through trial and error, I discovered what it takes to be highly successful in this field and now I want to pass those years of knowledge on to you and save you hundreds of hours and dollars in frustration and wrong decisions. Because I want you to truly be successful, you also receive our business cd containing all the contracts, proposals, worksheets and click and print advertising pieces to transform your business into $$$$$ immediately. Plus you receive 2 months membership into our VIP, Ongoing Education program which includes coaching and advanced audio classes.

Don’t wait any longer to start your amazing journey – Click here to get started.  or call me to talk staging – Kim 818.726.6429. I would be happy to shed some light on any questions you have about the industry.

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