5 Do’s and Don’ts When Staging Your House

When putting your house up for sale, the first thing you need to do is present it in a way that would appeal to the broadest possible buying audience. The trick is to envision certain things when in their place and look at things objectively. Ask yourself whether you can imagine yourself living there. Keep in mind that you are selling a home, not just a house.

Part of the commitment of selling your house is to be mentally prepared to take the necessary steps to get it sold. If you’ve been living in the house, it’s easy to overlook or get used to the clutter every day. But to a buyer, it may seem like a messy and cluttered home that they may not want to move into. It is also a proven fact that buyers prefer to purchase a house they don’t have to put too much time and money into fixing. With the right techniques, your efforts to dress your house will fly off the market in no time at all. Follow my 5 do’s and don’ts and you will be set for success.

Don’t leave it un-repaired. Go through your house and make a list of things that need to be repaired, and have them done. A buyer will usually take note of negatives and this will be high on their list. Don’t overlook the simplest repairs such as leaking taps or stuck kitchen drawers. If you need to, get professional help for the more complicated problems.

Don’t forget cleaning and de-cluttering. If you live in the house, make sure you clean every nook and cranny. An unclean house makes buyers feel uncomfortable. Pay extra attention to areas such as the bathroom and the kitchen. If you can’t seem to clean the fingerprints on the wall, consider giving it a fresh coat of paint. You may have grown used to your untidy garden or exposed household cleaning equipment, but unnecessary clutter like this can lose you the sale. Tidy up family photos and books by dusting and arranging them nearly or storing some of them away. The less clutter you have, the bigger the space will seem.

Don’t neglect neutralizing. If your walls are too bright or patterned, it might make it hard for the buyers to imagine their own things in the house. Paint your walls in a neutral, warm and inviting color scheme such as cream or mocha. Even just a warm white all over would certainly be better than a purple wall.

Give the room in your house that special look. Make sure that each room clearly conveys its function and purpose. For the bathrooms or toilets, display fresh towels and toiletries like they do in hotels. For the living room, put a vase of fresh flowers on the coffee table. These little touches add towards giving a breath of fresh air to the space.

Lastly, always consider “ShowTime”. After all is said and done, you’re finally ready to show off your house at its best. Make sure each room is as bright and welcoming as possible by drawing the curtains and turning on necessary lights. Turn on the air conditioning of fans before prospective buyers arrive. It can help put them at ease when they enter the house. If you have a broker showing the house, make sure he or she can answer important questions and handle objections so as to be able to get the best possible price in the shortest time. If you don’t have one, take the buyer around the house in as professional a manner as possible. In either case, it’s best to receive buyers when the house is not in a state of chaos with children or pets running around.

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