Spring Cleaning for Homes on the Market

With spring on the rise it is time to trade hot coca for lemonade and kick of rain boots for flip flops. That would mean the same for your home that is currently on the market. During our winter season we focused hard on keeping the insides of our home presentable to potential buyers and now since spring has sprung it is time to do a little spring cleaning for the outside of homes to make sure our curb appeal stand above the rest. Here are a few tips and trick for this spring season.

1. Sparkle and Shine– The sun is shining bright but from where your standing it’s pretty gloomy. Winter storms can leave dirty residue on your glass windows and screens. Tackle the outdoor windows before you move to the inside. Start with giving your screens and bath and then making sure you windows are squeaky clean. There is nothing better than enjoying spring when you are able to see it through your windows.

2. Don’t leave the leavesThere are many things we think about when cleaning outdoors, and cleaning the gutters is not one of them. The leaves may have fallen and blown away but there are always a few left behind in your gutters. Remember this is where the first impression starts and you want it to be spectacular.

3. FencingFences get over looked most of the time. We see them from a distance and we don’t notice that there is rotting on metal fences and paint has been chipped out of wooden fences. Take a closer look and make sure your fences have a fresh coat of paint that will stand out in the spring time sun.

4. Spring CoatIt is like changing your winter cloths to spring cloths. The winter showers may have dulled out your last year’s paint touch up on your house. So this spring why not give it a fresh coat to stand out from the rest. If the house doesn’t seem to be completely painted walk around and look for some imperfections and touch those up. It makes a huge difference to those perspective home buyers.

5. Keep it greenKeeping a nice lawn is most important when your home is on the market. Those weeds will always sneak up on you as well. Keep your grass green by tackling those dead weeds and giving it some fresh water. Add some color by planting some fresh spring flowers to your garden, always a nice touch.

Keep these 5 tips in mind for this spring and your outdoors will look inviting to all home buyers.

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